Mahmoud Bayazid
Vice President (2020-2021)
Email: mahmoud.bayazid@mail.mcgill.ca
Mahmoud Bayazid received the B.E. degree in Materials and Science engineering from Tabriz University, Iran, in 2011, and the M.E. degree in Welding and Joining engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran, in 2014, respectively. In 2014, he joined the Kavosh Josh Co., as a Senior Researcher. In 2017, he joined the Materials Engineering Department, McGill University, Canada, as a Ph.D. student.

Mandy Lokko
Member (2020-2021)
Email: mandy.lokko@mail.mcgill.ca

Panteha Fallah
I have started my PhD in Jan 2019 in Materials engineering at McGill University (2nd year PhD student). My research is focused on coating and surface engineering. I did my master’s at Concordia University in mechanical engineering. After finishing my master’s, two months of working in an aerospace company in Montreal, motivated me to pursue my studies in a filed that I loved, although it was my dream job! I believe you need to explore the things you love in your life until you find your favorites. Fear can also be constructive by forcing you to be thoughtful around many aspects of your process and to be ready for obstacles that lie ahead.

Amir R.R. Esfahani
I had my previous degree in Metallurgical Engineering at KNUST in Ghana. I am currently in the mineral processing group at McGill University, studying MEng Materials Engineering. My project topic is '' The Effect of Temperature on Bubble Size in Flotation.'' In my free time I just like to relax. I have passion for inspiring the younger generation to enjoy education to the fullest.
Amir R.R. Esfahani, a materials engineering master student at Concordia University, working on the application of gold plasmonic nanoparticles in the fabrication of a paper-based sensor bio-sensor for detection of water quality. His bachelor was industrial metallurgy at Yazd University and he was working on the optimization of ferrite based magnetic materials.

Christina Katsari
President (2019-2020)
Vice President (2018-2019)
VP Communications (2017-2018)
Email: christina.katsari@mail.mcgill.ca
Christina Maria Katsari is a PhD Candidate in the Materials Engineering Department of McGill University. She specializes in Ni-based super alloys for aerospace applications. She got her Diploma in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens in Greece. In her free time she loves cooking and playing squash. Her role in MetSoc McGill Student Chapter evolved from VP Communications(2017-2018) to Vice President(2018-2019) and she was President (2019-2020).

Ali Jaberi
Grad Representative(2020-2021)
Email: ali.jaberi@mail.mcgill.ca
Ali is a PhD graduate student in the department of Materials Engineering at McGill University. He is currently working on the electron-microscopy characterization of lithium ion batteries for further improvements. He is also a graduate representative of MetSoc McGill Chapter, who connects graduate students to industry by spreading the media amongst them to play a part in materials industry.

Andre Liberati
Member (2021-2022)
Treasurer (2019-2021)
Andre is a PhD candidate in Materials Engineering at McGill University. He's currently working on developing cold-spayed mixed metal powders onto carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites. Before his PhD, Andre got a "Diplôme d'Ingénieur" from Chimie ParisTech, and a Master's in Materials Engineering from the University of Paris-Saclay. His hobbies include sports (especially soccer and hockey) and strategy games. His role in the MetSoc McGill Student Chapter has evolved from 2018 from Grad Student Representative to Treasurer.